


【開催報告】2024年度日中ワークショップについて / Japan-China Joint Workshop in 2024



歓迎会の様子 / the welcome party in Hiroshima University


中間講評会の様子 / the critique session


Faculty members and students from Dalian University of Technology and Dalian Minzu University from Dalian, Liaoning Province, China, came to Japan for a joint workshop held from June 26 to July 1.

The assignment of the workshop was to design the area surrounding “Nishi Hiroshima” Station, which is expected to develop more as a public transportation node with the extension of the “Astram Line” in Hiroshima City. Although it was a short period of time, the student group provided planning and design direction. This will be continued in September in Dalian, China, where the planning and design will be proposed as the final outcome of the workshop.


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