
Assistant Professor
田村 将太 助教
Urban and Architectural Planning Laboratory
Urban Planning, Urban Science, GIS
In recent years, population decline and climate change have given rise to various urban problems (e.g., reduced convenience of living, increased environmental load, and an increase in heavy rainfall disasters), and the urban planning field is required to find a sustainable urban structure that can adapt to these problems. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand and analyze these phenomena through the utilization of various data and digital technologies, and to create plans based on scientific evidence. Therefore, we are considering how sustainable urban structures should be from an objective perspective by understanding and analyzing various phenomena occurring in cities spatially, chronologically, and quantitatively through the use of various urban data and digital technologies such as GIS (Geographic Information System).
・Evaluating future compact city from the viewpoint of sustainability
・Study on urban structure for disaster prevention and mitigation
・Visualization and evaluation of people’s stay in a city using big data of human flow
・Proposal and evaluation of streeet space utilization measures to create liveliness
Study on future compact city adapted to population decline in local cities
Recent years have seen a decrease in the population of many local cities, and various problems have occurred due to the low density of urban areas, such as a decline in the convenience of living and an increase in the cost of maintenance and management of urban facilities. Therefore, the compact city concept has been required as a suitable urban structure for a depopulation society in Japan. In this research, we are analyzing areas where residences and urban functions should be induced (base areas) and areas where withdrawal of urban services should be considered (withdrawal areas) from various perspectives using GIS technology.
Architectural and urban planning approaches to “River Basin Disaster and Sustainability by All” for mitigating flood damage
Due to climate change and other factors, rainfall is becoming more localized, concentrated, and intense, and torrential rain disasters are causing extensive damage to human lives and the social economy. In response to this situation, the “River Basin Disaster and Sustainability by All” in which all stakeholders in the entire watershed work together to implement comprehensive and multilayered flood control measures is more necessary to mitigate and prevent flood damage. We are considering the appropriate layout of flood control measures in the entire watershed from the architectural and urban planning field.
Visualization and evaluation of people’s stay using human flow big data
With the advancement of digital technologies such as IoT, AI, and Big Data, there has been an increase in activities to create new value and solve problems by utilizing these data and technologies. In this research, we are examining the changes in people’s staying during the daytime using big data obtained from smartphone locations.
近年、気候変動や都市ヒートアイランド現象により都市高温化が進み、夏季においては屋外空間の熱的快適性低下や熱中症患者数の増加等の問題が生じています。このような屋外の熱環境改善策の1つとして、都市における風通しの確保が挙げられています。本研究では、3D都市モデルを用いてCFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)解析を行い、現状の風環境の再現や対策時(オープンスペース確保等)の風環境の分析を行っています。加えて、シミュレーションだけでなく、実際の都市の風速や気温等も実測調査で把握しています。
CFD simulation of wind environment prediction using 3D ciy model(PLATEAU)
Global warming and the urban heat island phenomenon have resulted in higher urban temperatures, causing problems such as reduced thermal comfort in outdoor spaces and an increase in the number of heat stroke victims during the summer. In this research, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis is conducted using a 3D urban model to reproduce the current wind environment and analyze the wind environment in case of countermeasures (such as creating open spaces). In addition to simulations, field surveys for measuring wind and temperature environments in the city are also performed.
Project of road space utilization for activating cities
– Case study on Washington D.C. and Higashihiroshima City-
Many cities have been implementing road space utilization programs with reference to examples of parklets in the U.S. and other foreign countries in order to revitalize central city areas and create attractive urban spaces. In this project, we examine and analyze examples of street space utilization in Washington D.C., U.S.A. (Streateries), and propose new street space utilization measures based on these examples.