
西名 大作 教授
Architectural Environment Laboratory
Environmental Psychology
Urban environments and urban spaces are composed of various elements, including not only buildings but also civil engineering structures such as roads, railways and ports, and natural environments such as rivers, forests and beaches. We spend our daily lives in the urban environment and urban space as an aggregate of these elements. We acquire various information from them and receive psychological influences. On the other hand, we react and behave in various ways to them, and have even modified them. By focusing on the interaction between humans and their surrounding environment and clarifying some aspects of this interaction, we aim to create a truly comfortable environment for humans.
・The psychological evaluation of streetscapes in small and medium-sized local shopping streets
・Behavioural characteristics of tourism experiences in VR spaces
・International comparison of psychological evaluation of tourism landscape
・Behavioural characteristics of people’s use of riverside open cafés
・Prediction model for psychological evaluation of river landscape by urban spatial indices.
ドローン技術に基づく詳細な緑情報を活用した CG 画像の河川景観評価における適用可能性
Applicability of CG images utilized detailed greenery information based on drone technology for river landscape evaluation
Currently, GIS-based urban landscape forecasting techniques are being developed, but due to a lack of information on greenery, it is difficult to simulate landscapes that are close to reality. This study aims to develop information on the planform and altitude of greenery based on image information obtained by flying a drone along a river bank, and to create CG images including more precisely constructed greenery for river landscapes.
International comparison of psychological evaluation of local tourism resources intended to attract foreign tourists
Although the number of foreign tourists to Japan continues to increase, most are concentrated in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo and Osaka, and inbound demand has not been sufficient to help revitalize of local areas. With the intention of discovering local tourism resources that are not highly valued by the Japanese, but are highly valued by foreigners, image evaluation experiments and real-space evaluation experiments are being conducted on several tourism resources in Hiroshima Prefecture with Japanese and Chinese subjects, and the results are being compared.
Derivation of visual identities with the intention of regional revitalization through the comparison between streetscapes in similar types of regions
The maintenance and renovation of designated traditional building preservation areas may result in the loss of the uniqueness of each area. In addition, although the shopping streets of small and medium-sized local cities have their own unique atmosphere, the differences between them are not recognized, and this has not led to an increase in the number of visitors to the streets. From the viewpoint of these circumstances, we attempt to extract the characteristics of each region as ‘visual identities’ and utilize them for regional revitalization by carrying out an experiment to compare similar streetscapes between regions.